2,500 stalls earn SG Clean certification for new hygiene standards
淡滨尼巴刹与熟食中心上个月29日刚获颁“新加坡保洁运动”(SG Clean)质量标准贴纸,也是首个达到该标准的建屋发展局小贩中心。
淡滨尼市镇理事会主席钟丽慧昨天陪同副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰走访淡滨尼82街,派发礼包给清洁员工肯定他们的付出,也颁发“SG Clean”贴纸给第844座组屋咖啡店的摊主。两人都是淡滨尼集选区议员。
清洁工以前在回收托盘时,只会简单擦拭,到晚上再彻底清洗。但疫情当前,他们现在每隔两小时就会为托盘消毒,让食客安心用餐。 除了淡滨尼圆巴刹与熟食中心,其他咖啡店如今也更重视清理托盘。八达岭咖啡店负责人郭观堡受访时说,疫情暴发后,生意少了约一两成,目前未有回流迹象。为加强防疫工作,咖啡店的每个摊位都会放置洗手消毒液,餐桌也会擦两次——先是普通清理,再来是消毒。“我们也考虑更换托盘,让食客更放心用餐。”
国家环境局上个月启动“新加坡保洁运动”,设定了“SG Clean”质量标准,鼓励各行各业维持各自场所的干净与卫生,尤其是人流量高的地点。截至本月6日,已有13个小贩中心、52家咖啡店,以及2083个小贩摊位和389个咖啡店摊位获得“SG Clean”贴纸。
淡滨尼市镇理事会的目标是在本月底前,完成圆巴刹与熟食中心及市镇内40个咖啡店的质量标准认证工作,取得“SG Clean”贴纸。
副总理兼财政部长 – 王瑞杰
New guidelines to raise hygiene and cleaning standards at hawker stalls are fast taking hold across the island.
The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) said yesterday that about 2,100 hawker and market stalls and 400 coffee shop stalls have earned the new SG Clean certification that shows they have met the new standards.
Certification means they have set up processes to ensure that food preparation areas and equipment are sanitised, waste is handled properly and systems are in place to monitor staff health.
The SG Clean campaign was started on Feb 16 to raise cleanliness and safeguard public health amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Eight stalls and one coffee shop in Tampines were given their SG Clean labels by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat and Tampines GRC MP Cheng Li Hui yesterday.
Mr Heng, who is also Finance Minister and an MP for Tampines GRC, said: “When residents feel comfortable that there is a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene, they will come out and lead (their) lives as normally as possible.”
Enhanced hygiene standards should not just be a temporary response to the Covid-19 crisis, but become a new norm. “We should take this opportunity to raise our standards of cleanliness and hygiene in our neighbourhood and Singapore, keep ourselves a nice, sparkling, clean place in the midst of all these concerns around the world, ” he said.
Mr Ng Gan Poh, 29, who works at one of the stalls that received the certification yesterday, said: “It is for our customers’ safety. We can prevent food poisoning too, not just the virus.”
Mr Heng and Ms Cheng also gave out care packages to about a dozen cleaners in the area as a token of appreciation for their services.
A Tampines Town Council spokesman said: “Since Covid-19, our cleaners have been stepping up their efforts… All these measures double their hard work, and they are also more exposed to risk of the virus, so we want to show them our appreciation.”
Ms Cheng added: “We need the cooperation of all stakeholders, such as members of the public and the business community, to safeguard our public health. When our residents play their part, the cleaners can focus on cleaning and sanitising frequently touched areas to keep us safe.”
Source: Zaobao / The Straits Times