燃烧煤炭、石油和天然气等化石燃料产生的空气污染,每年导致约450万人死亡,是死于道路交通意外的三倍多。Air pollution generated from burning fossil fuels is attributed to approximately 4.5 million premature deaths worldwide every year.
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Continue reading南极两处升到最高气温 Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record with a reading of 18.3C
阿根廷的两个南极考察站分别录得两项自1961年有记录以来南极最高的气温纪录。Argentinian research station logged the hottest temperature in Antarctica since 1961.
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Continue reading疾病及粮食短缺问题将加剧 气候变化威胁全球下一代人健康
由世界卫生组织和世界银行等35个机构组成的联盟“柳叶刀倒计时”(Lancet Countdown)周四(11月14日)发布了年度报告,重点追踪了公共卫生与气候变化之间的联系。
气温变化也导致传染性疾病增加,而儿童是最容易受感染的。过去30年,造成全球大部分儿童腹泻病例的弧菌(Vibrio bacteria)繁殖和传播的天数增加了一倍;由蚊子传播的疾病如骨痛热症和疟疾也有上升趋势,全球约有一半人口面临感染骨痛热症的风险。
本地明年实现半数组屋装太阳能板 争取10年后满足35万户家庭常年用电需求
贸工部长陈振声昨天在新加坡国际能源周开幕式上宣布,我国计划在2030年将太阳能装机容量(installed capacity)提高到至少2千兆峰瓦(GigaWatt Peak,简称GWp),朝低碳的可持续未来迈进。
南洋理工大学能源研究院执行主任苏博德教授(Subodh Mhaisalkar)受访时表示,对民众而言,使用太阳能的一大好处在于全国的空气质量会得到提升。“如果排放到空气中的温室气体更少,民众也能享受更凉快的天气”。
陈振声认为,要善用太阳能,需要能源储存系统(energy storage solutions)的支持。我国天空多达80%的时间被云层遮盖,使得太阳能面对间歇性电流供应问题。加上每日高峰和非高峰的电力需求差距可达30%,能源储存系统能平衡电力需求,加强能源网韧性。
The Republic is ramping up its drive to soak up more energy from the sun, amid growing global awareness on how fossil fuels are contributing to climate change.
By 2030, Singapore wants to ramp up its solar capacity by more than seven times from current levels, and increase the current 260 megawatt-peak (MWp) of installed solar capacity to 2 gigawatt-peak (GWp).
This is enough to meet the annual power needs of around 350,000 households in Singapore, or about 4 per cent of Singapore’s total electricity demand today.
The new 2GWp target for Singapore was outlined by Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing on Tuesday morning (Oct 29) at the opening of the Singapore International Energy Week held at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre.
Solar energy is the most viable renewable energy option for Singapore, but harnessing it to power the nation did not come without obstacles.
Singapore’s small size, the intermittency of sunshine due to cloud cover and urban shading, and cost of solar deployment were some challenges.
Currently, solar energy contributes less than 1 per cent to Singapore’s total energy mix.
More than 95 per cent comes from natural gas, the cleanest form of fossil fuel. Other sources, such as oil and coal, round up the mix.
But just as how Singapore pushed the boundaries on water technologies and thrived, so too will the nation tackle the energy frontier, said Mr Chan.
Singapore does not have any natural sources of water but has overcome the erratic nature of weather-dependent sources of water, such as rainfall, with desalination and by recycling used water.
The next frontier for Singapore, said Mr Chan, is energy.
Singapore started moving on this front since the early 2000s, when it switched from oil to natural gas – a cleaner fuel which Singapore now imports in liquefied forms from all over the world and through pipes from neighbouring Indonesia and Malaysia – to power the nation.
The next step would be to increase the adoption of solar energy here, Mr Chan said.
In the longer term, Singapore could be plugged into a regional power grid to trade electricity with its neighbours, which would increase its energy security, even as the Republic invests in research and development in other low-carbon technologies that, unlike solar energy, have yet to become commercially viable.
his includes research into the possibility of using “green” hydrogen as a fuel, and in carbon capture utilisation and storage technologies – innovations that could suck planet-warming carbon dioxide out of the air and convert it into useful products, such as chemicals and building materials.
The Government is looking into a few ways to meet the 2030 solar target, said Mr Chan.
The first is to maximise the deployment of solar panels onto available surfaces, including rooftops, reservoirs, offshore sea space, and on the vertical surfaces of buildings.
Just as Singapore had turned two-thirds of Singapore’s land surface area into a water catchment area, the Republic will look to do the same for solar, he said.
By 2020, one in two HDB rooftops will have solar panels deployed.
Under the recently awarded SolarNova Tender 4 announced earlier this month, solar panels will also be deployed at 30 schools, as well as 13 Ministry of Defence sites.
Industrial developer JTC will also be deploying mobile solar panels and substations on vacant land, such as existing plots on Jurong Island, not required for development in the near future under its SolarLand initiative.
Mr Chan said Singapore will also invest more in research and development into energy storage systems. These essentially function as batteries when hooked up to solar systems, helping to overcome the challenge of intermittent sunshine.
Experts approached by The Straits Times said Singapore’s target of having 2GWp of installed solar capacity by 2030 is an ambitious target – but one that was achievable if certain conditions are met.
Professor Subodh Mhaisalkar, executive director for the Energy Research Institute at the Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N), pointed to Singapore’s limited land area and built-up environment, saying solar panels have to be deployed on a larger scale.
He said: “Other than deploying solar panels on Housing Board rooftops, we will need very large contributions from other sources, including residential and industrial buildings, and also deploy solar panels on infrastructure such as walkways and depots, on building facades and on water bodies such as reservoirs and the sea, to name some possibilities,” Prof Subodh told ST.
Another factor to consider is oil and gas prices, said Dr Thomas Reindl, deputy chief executive of the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (Seris) at the National University of Singapore .
“The target seems achievable, as long as oil and gas prices don’t fall well below today’s levels,” he said.
He added: “This is important, as the cost of solar electricity in Singapore competes with conventional electricity. For larger rooftop installations of more than one MWp, the cost of the generated solar electricity is already lower than the typical commercial electricity rates, and in many cases even lower than the wholesale market price.”
While the increase in solar deployment is likely to occur in tandem with an overall increase in energy use, Prof Subodh and Dr Reindl are confident that solar would still be able to contribute about 4 per cent to Singapore’s energy mix by 2030, due to Singapore’s focus on energy efficiency.
Dr Reindl said that while some increase in energy demand would be from population growth, the main impact would come from existing and new industries, and possibly the shift from combustion engines to electric cars in the transport sector.
He added: “In all cases there are already measures or plans underway to proactively manage future electricity demand. Therefore, I am confident that the 4 per cent of total annual electricity demand by 2030 is achievable.”
Even as Singapore moves to green its fuel mix, the country should also see how its energy usage can be managed, Mr Chan said.
In charting Singapore’s progress toward a future with a sustainable, reliable and affordable supply of energy, Mr Chan said managing energy demand was also important.
“I think we need to see how we can save on our usage of energy,” he said. Key to this is design, he noted, citing the unnecessary cooling of an entire hall to keep its occupants comfortable.
Said Mr Chan: “If you look at a typical audience hall, we just need to cool two meters up from the ground level to provide thermal comfort to the audience. Much of the cooling for the rest of the building is probably unnecessary.”
The importance of design also applies to the broader scale, he said, from the design of individual buildings to clusters of buildings, industries, and residential areas.
For example, technology can be harnessed to determine exactly how much cooling is needed, he said.
And in Singapore, the direction a building faces could have significant impact on its occupants’ energy consumption, not just because of where the sun rises and sets, but also where the wind is coming from, said Mr Chan.
“So how we design the precinct to make full use of the natural ventilation to reduce the cooling needs will be both an opportunity and a challenge,” he added.
Singapore also has the opportunity to refresh the entire island’s infrastructure in the next 50 years, he said, unlike other urban cities which grow as an urban sprawl, randomly and organically.
Efficient design could minimise the energy wasted in transporting people and goods across the island, and get rid of the “tidal effects” of traffic patterns, he said.
This essentially refers to the surge of people travelling in one direction to get to work – usually from north to south and east to west in the mornings – and back home in the other.
Said Mr Chan: “But if we can progressively redesign the entire Singapore, we will get rid of this tidal effect, which will lead to a much more efficient use of our transportation system and network, and certainly the amount of energy that we will need for the entire system.”
But even as Singapore continues to explore new technologies, and build new buildings with zero carbon footprints, the challenge would be to find cost-effective ways of retrofitting existing buildings and precincts and make them energy-efficient, he said.
“That is the area where the Energy Market Authority, together with (industrial developer) JTC, are looking at new capabilities to see how we can help existing… sites convert into much more energy efficient sites.”
Source: Zaobao / The Straits Times
FairPrice customers no longer have to pay plastic bag surcharge at 7 outlets
Customers will no longer have to pay a plastic bag surcharge at the seven FairPrice supermarkets involved in the chain’s month-long “no plastic bag” trial, which ended on Wednesday (Oct 16).
But FairPrice said it was too early to reveal the results of the trial, which also involved a consumer sentiment survey, saying more updates will be available next month.
A spokesman thanked customers for supporting the initiative to reduce the amount of plastic bags taken, and added that the survey findings and consumer feedback will be studied and analysed “to develop a well-informed and sustainable action plan to reduce plastic bag use”.
However, she added: “Customers will not be charged at the seven stores that were involved in the trial upon its conclusion on Wednesday.”
Amid growing global awareness about the excessive use of single-use plastics including plastic bags, FairPrice launched its month-long “no plastic bag” trial on Sept 16 at several of its outlets.
As part of the trial, customers were charged 10 cents or 20 cents for every transaction in which they took plastic bags at seven FairPrice and Cheers outlets.
These were FairPrice Xtra at Hougang One outlet, FairPrice Finest at Zhongshan Park mall, FairPrice at Maple Tree 18 mall, Cheers outlets at Sengkang Community Hospital and in Create Way and Aljunied Road, and FairPrice Xpress in Lorong Chuan.
Shoppers who wanted plastic bags had to pay 20 cents per transaction at the FairPrice, FairPrice Finest and FairPrice Xtra stores, and 10 cents per transaction at the Cheers and FairPrice Xpress stores.
The money was donated to the Singapore Children’s Society and The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund.
When the trial was first launched, The Straits Times spoke to over 30 customers across several outlets and found that most were supportive of the move to charge for plastic bags.
Shoppers of all ages were seen whipping out foldable reusable bags or taking along trolleys with them on their grocery runs.
However, the reaction on social media was different, with many commentators saying that they would simply throw rubbish down the chute if they were not given plastic bags for free.
Ms Pamela Low of the Singapore Youth for Climate Action environmental group said she commended FairPrice’s willingness to start the trial to charge people for plastic bags “in its efforts to be a responsible retailer contributing to Singapore’s push towards zero-waste”.
Under new zero-waste targets revealed by the Government in August, Singapore wants to send 30 per cent less waste to its only landfill on Semakau Island by 2030.
On comments that plastic bags are needed to bag rubbish, Ms Low agreed, saying: “I use plastic bags for wet trash too and we should still continue to bag our trash to avoid pest issues, given our high-rise infrastructure.”
However, she said that if FairPrice’s trial to reduce plastic bag uptake was successful, the supermarket chain could consider complementing the charge with a rebate scheme, in which customers who do not take bags get discounts on their purchases.
Said Ms Low: “I’m optimistic the trial will prove effective in helping Singaporeans save money and plastic bags.”
Source: The Straits Times
提振经济 应对气候挑战 联合国吁各国携手推行绿色新政
全球绿色新政(Global Green New Deal)概念和美国民主党议员此前提出的环保计划类似,部分民主党议员主张通过发展绿色能源来解决社会贫富悬殊问题,倡议美国在10年内停止排放温室气体、百分百使用再生能源等。
Source: Zaobao
弥陀学校、伊莱雅园小学和新电信 夺总统环境奖
Source: Zaobao
77国制定目标 2050年前实现零排放
这次峰会的开幕式值得一提。因发起“气候罢课”而获诺贝尔奖提名的瑞典气候活动小将通贝里(Greta Thunberg)受邀为峰会致开幕词。她发言时毫不客气地“炮轰”全球领导人。
这名16岁环保小先锋激愤地连连直斥“你们竟敢如此”(How dare you),指责领导们未能采取强有力措施应对气候变化。
Source: Zaobao
Source: Zaobao
专家指印尼当前霾害堪比2015年危机 联合国:威胁近千万孩童健康
与美经济活动相比 2015年霾害温室气体更高
Source: Zaobao