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收费无助减少滥用塑料袋 英超市改提供纸袋应对





The UK’s fourth-biggest grocer will roll out the paper bags in Wales next week, followed by England and Scotland.

It said the scheme will take 1,300 tonnes of plastic out of the environment each year.

But question marks hang over whether paper bags are more environmentally friendly than plastic ones.

Morrisons has been trialling selling paper bags alongside plastic reusable carrier bags in eight Welsh stores.

It will start selling both types for 20p, having phased out 5p carrier bags in the past year in England, Wales and Scotland. The supermarket chain does not have any stores in Northern Ireland.

Morrisons marketing director Andy Atkinson said: “We are taking another meaningful step that will remove an estimated 1,300 tonnes of plastic out of the environment each year.

“Our customers have told us that reducing plastic is their number one environmental concern so introducing the paper bag across the nation will provide another way of reducing the plastic in their lives.”

Source: BBC / Zaobao

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